In an instant, the bomb obliterated everything. The tower it sat on and the copper wires strung around it: vaporized. The desert sand below:...
The Milky Way as we know it today was shaped by a collision with a dwarf galaxy about 10 billion years ago. But most...
The key ingredient in the illicit drug known as Ecstasy or Molly may offer profound relief from post-traumatic stress disorder. When paired with intense...
The first genetically modified mosquitoes that will be allowed to fly free outdoors in the United States have started reaching the age for mating...
Die-offs of African elephants have once again erupted in Botswana. In just the first three months of 2021, 39 have succumbed. The mysterious deaths...
Rivers ravaged by a lengthy drought may not be able to recover, even after the rains return. Seven years after the Millennium drought baked...
A smattering of plutonium atoms embedded in Earth’s crust are helping to resolve the origins of nature’s heaviest elements. Scientists had long suspected that...
Electrodes in a paralyzed man’s brain turned his imagined handwriting into words typed on a screen. The translation from brain to text may ultimately...
Good habits are hard to adopt. But a little bribery can go a long way. That’s the finding from an experiment in India that...
It’s now open season for COVID-19 vaccines across the United States. After months of having to scramble to find a shot, the tables have...