Pornhub has removed a majority of its content — millions of explicit videos — uploaded from unverified users as part of a series of...
A lot could have gone wrong when Ford decided to make a four-door electric crossover SUV and call it a Mustang, and even boldly...
For decades, ExxonMobil was an unstoppable machine and the envy of the oil industry. Now that machine has broken down — and Exxon’s critics...
The latest pandemic-era protocol from Delta Air Lines will let some passengers coming from the US have quarantine-free entry to Amsterdam.
More than two dozen leading chief executives offer advice to the incoming Biden administration.
Vaccines will likely work just as well against the variant.
The world’s largest iceberg appears days away from crashing into a penguin-filled island. These robots will study the aftermath.
A man claiming to be a leader of Boko Haram said the terror group was responsible for kidnapping scores of schoolboys in northwestern Nigeria...
SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 15 (IPS) – Just before the World Health Assembly (WHA), an 18 May open letter by world leaders and...
Author: AFP ID: 1608028380257363400 Tue, 2020-12-15 10:22 TOKYO: A Japanese man dubbed the “Twitter killer” was sentenced to death by a Tokyo court on...