Turns out we may be unfairly stereotyping dogs. Modern breeds are shaped around aesthetics: Chihuahuas’ batlike ears, poodles’ curly fur, dachshunds’ hot dog shape....
Young kids’ brains are especially tuned to their mothers’ voices. Teenagers’ brains, in their typical rebellious glory, are most decidedly not. That conclusion, described...
For many recreational runners, taking a jog is a fun way to stay fit and burn calories. But it turns out an individual has...
Cyclic AMP and psoriasis — Science News, April 29, 1972 [A team of dermatologists] discovered that cyclic AMP levels in psoriasis lesions are significantly...
Leonardo da Vinci was wrong about trees. The multitalented, Renaissance genius wrote down his “rule of trees” over 500 years ago. It described the...
Taking antibiotics in the first two years of life can prevent babies from developing a robust immune response to certain vaccines. The new finding...
More of the ingredients for life have been found in meteorites. Space rocks that fell to Earth within the last century contain the five...
The Insect CrisisOliver MilmanW.W. Norton & Co., $27.95 Imagine a world without insects. You might breathe a sigh of relief at the thought of...
Ben Franklin had nothing on trilobites. Roughly 400 million years before the founding father invented bifocals, the now extinct trilobite Dalmanitina socialis already had...
An act of acrobatics keeps males of one orb-weaving spider species from becoming their mates’ post-sex snack. After mating, Philoponella prominens males catapult away...