In August 2020, the school superintendent in Omaha, Neb., approached a microbiology lab at the local university’s medical center. School districts across the country...
A millimeter might not seem like much. But even a distance that small can alter the flow of time. According to Einstein’s theory of...
TRONDHEIM, Norway / DENVER, USA, Oct 18 (IPS) – As we honored women and girls last week, on the annual International Day of Rural...
The process of drafting a new constitution for Syria will begin this week, the UN Special Envoy for the country, Geir Pedersen, said on...
Anastasie Obama, a Cameroonian woman who set up her own smoked shrimp business, has been recognized by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO) as...
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed the declaration of a unilateral ceasefire in the Central African Republic (CAR), his spokesperson said in a statement...
The UN Food Systems Summit demonstrated the huge imbalances in the way we grow, produce, and consume food. But, as the UN Development Programme...
An Ethiopian farmer has been talking about how avocados have transformed the lives of not just his family but also of people living in...
Tensions over vehicle licence plates and anti-smuggling operations, between authorities in Kosovo and Serbia, in recent weeks, may contribute to unravelling “steady but fragile progress made in rebuilding trust among communities” in...
In recent months, some 260 different clean-up operations have been undertaken across, aimed at protecting life under the sea, with the UN and European...