NAIROBI, Jun 18 (IPS) – Dr. Fadel Ndiame is AGRA’s Deputy PresidentEvery year, people in Sub-Saharan Africa consume 34 million tons of milled rice,...
PARIS, Jun 18 (IPS) – Visions of Grand Inga, a proposed massive hydropower plant in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) powering much of...
On December 9, 2019, a cloud of steam and volcanic gases blasted out of New Zealand’s Whakaari, or White Island, volcano. Relative to eruptions...
António Guterres was on Friday re-appointed to a second term as UN Secretary-General, pledging as his priority, to continue helping the world chart a...
The number of people fleeing wars, violence, persecution, and human rights violations, rose last year to nearly 82.4 million people, a further four percent...
The impact of conflicts old and new, climate shocks and COVID-19, in addition to a lack of funding, have left millions more on the...
Some big scientific discoveries aren’t actually discovered. They are borrowed. That’s what happened when scientists enlisted proteins from an unlikely lender: green algae. Cells...
PHILADELPHIA — In a makeshift tent behind a soccer goal and close enough to a taco stand that the smell of grilling barbacoa and...
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 18 (IPS) – The 14th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with...
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 18 (IPS) – The 2021 High-level Dialogue on Energy, scheduled to take place June 21-25, represents the first global gathering on...