A single-shot coronavirus vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson is 85 percent effective at preventing severe disease and death, even against new variants of...
Among the biggest questions for climate change forecasters is how atmospheric aerosols shape clouds, which can help cool the planet. Now, a new study...
Diabetes brought on by pregnancy might set a woman up for heart trouble later on, even if her blood sugar levels snap back to...
The antidepressant fluvoxamine could prevent people from getting seriously ill with COVID-19, curbing hospitalizations, new data show. The results come from real-world use of...
Swamp-dweller or landlubber? – Science News, January 30, 1971 Through the years paleontologists have evolved a picture of the appearance and habits of various...
The lizard-like tuatara already was an oddball. Its superpowers include a century-long lifespan, resistance to many diseases and a unique tolerance (for a reptile)...
It feels good to recycle. There’s a certain sense of accomplishment that comes from dutifully sorting soda bottles, plastic bags and yogurt cups from...
Diamond stands up to a squeeze. Surprisingly, the material’s structure persists even when compressed to 2 trillion pascals, more than five times the pressure...
Thumb dexterity similar to that of people today already existed around 2 million years ago, possibly in some of the earliest members of our...
When one naked mole-rat encounters another, the accent of their chirps might reveal whether they’re friends or foes. These social rodents are famous for...