The first recorded case of person passing monkeypox to a dog could be harbinger of other animals catching the sometimes disfiguring and deadly virus....
Protons may be intrinsically charming. The subatomic particles are a mash-up of three lighter particles called quarks: two of the type known as up...
A Portrait of the Scientist as a Young WomanLindy Elkins-TantonWilliam Morrow, $29.99 Becoming an astronomer might seem straightforward. An awe of the night sky...
In American football, some passes are caught and some are dropped — but all wobble as they fly. Spiraling pigskins tend to visibly wobble...
Sand on Earth is continuously being created by the slow erosion of rocks. But on Mars, violent asteroid impacts may play an important role...
The star Betelgeuse has always been a diva. Astronomers from antiquity through the present day have watched the red supergiant pulsing at the shoulder...
The letters “www” are typically followed by a “dot” — but not in this experiment. Around 270 WWW events, trios of particles called W...
For some people, including President Joe Biden and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci, the relief of vanishing COVID-19 symptoms...
The icy world of organ freezing – Science News, August 19, 1972 If whole organs could be frozen and stored … surgeons would be...
Art historian Erin Griffey is a bit of a beauty maven. “I’m one of those people who reads the backs of beauty products,” she...