In the next week or so, the sea ice floating atop the Arctic Ocean will shrink to its smallest size this year, as summer-warmed...
A meandering trek taken by light from a remote supernova in the constellation Cetus may help researchers pin down how fast the universe expands...
A closeup view of even the most common objects can make the mundane look spectacular. A glimpse of the underside of a southern live...
The Perseverance rover has captured its first two slices of Mars. NASA’s latest Mars rover drilled into a flat rock nicknamed Rochette on September...
Sea life’s chemical senses Science News, September 18, 1971 For fish and other underwater life, a sensitivity to chemicals plays the same role as...
A wide-eyed snake has made scientists do a double take. The Hispaniolan vineboa, with its large protruding eyes and square snout, is the first...
Babies may laugh like some apes a few months after birth before transitioning to chuckling more like human adults, a new study finds. Laughter...
When smoke rises from wildfires in the western United States, it pummels clouds with tiny airborne particles. What happens next with these clouds has...
If you’ve ever felt the wrath of a biting or stinging insect, it may seem incredible that something so small can so easily slice...
Physicist Stephan Reuter of Polytechnique Montréal spends most days using his expertise in energy and matter to improve medical technologies. Recently though, he stood...