DNA from a group of Neandertals who lived together and a couple of others who lived not far away has yielded the best genetic...
A pair of stars in our galaxy is revealing how light pushes around matter. It’s the first time anyone has directly seen how the...
Ninna Ragasa was 24 years old when doctors discovered a mass on the left hemisphere of her brain. Further imaging revealed that Ragasa had...
Like many humans, honeybees seem to prefer their numbers ordered from left to right. Honeybees trained to recognize a specific number tend to fly...
Some seabirds don’t just survive storms. They ride them. Streaked shearwaters nesting on islands off Japan sometimes head straight toward passing typhoons, where they...
Fall and winter have not been kind to us over the last couple of years. In 2020, cases of COVID-19 began to climb in...
Oil on the waters — Science News, October 14, 1972 [In the late 1960s], about the best means of cleaning up oil was to...
Roughly 3,000 light-years from Earth sits one of the most complex and least understood nebulae, a whirling landscape of gas and dust left in...
An ancient, armored worm may be the key to unraveling the evolutionary history of a diverse collection of marine invertebrates. Discovered in China, a...
A ground-penetrating eye in the sky has helped to rehydrate an ancient southern Mesopotamian city, tagging it as what amounted to a Venice of...